Weight Loss Tips and Tricks for the Holiday Season.

lose weight this holiday season

It’s the most wonderful time of year! It’s also the time of year a majority of Americans will gain weight—but it doesn’t have to be. Whether you’re just starting your weight loss journey (yes, you can lose weight during the holidays, don’t be fooled) or continuing on your plan, here are a few tips to help you navigate the busiest time of year.

1.     Eat Before You Go!

Most of us will be attending holiday parties, school events or family gatherings this holiday season. My number one piece of advice is to always eat before you go. If you’re going to a work event where you know appetizers or deserts will be served – eat a full healthy meal before attending. We often think if we go to a holiday event on an empty stomach, we can pick at a few things and satiate ourselves. Studies show that we actually end up overdoing on small bites when we show up hungry so eat a healthy meal before attending your next holiday party and maybe have a bite or two while you’re there (if you feel the need.)


2.    Plan Dinners Out in Advance

Always scan menus of the restaurants you are going to for gatherings before you get there. Find a healthy meal that fits your nutritional goals. That way when you get to the restaurant, you know exactly what you’re having without ever having to open the menu.

3.    Navigate Travel Like A Pro.

Before boarding a plane to see family, make sure you eat a healthy nutritious meal before leaving for the airport. While it should tide you over before you land, it doesn’t always. Airports are littered with healthy snacks for you to grab before your flight takes off, so if you think you may feel peckish on your flight, grab some fruit, nuts, sushi, sugar free beef jerky or hummus and veggies for the road. There’s no need to fall off your nutritional journey on or before a flight.

4.     Donate Leftovers.

Thanksgiving is one day. Christmas is one day. Not a week. We typically overcook for the holidays so if you have leftovers be sure to send it home with crazy aunt Beth or-better yet-donate the extra food to a local charity or church. 

5.     Enjoy the Day!

It’s my philosophy that you absolutely should enjoy each holiday as you normally would regardless of whether or not you are trying to lose weight. Weight loss is a lifestyle change but it doesn’t mean you should go without or skip important days. Whether you’d like to believe it or not, one day is not going to undo your weeks, months or even years of hard work. Our bodies don’t work that way. Enjoy the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays and get right back to work the next day, You may see a bump up in weight over the next few days, but it will come right off if you continue to eat healthy meals and work out.

6.     Maintenance Is A Goal.

Everyone is always on a quest to continue to lose weight (shocker: there is a limit to how much weight you can actually lose) but sometimes life gets in the way and our schedules catch up with us. Remember, if you’re doing your best while still enjoying the holidays and you are maintaining your current weight – that is a huge win. Any time you don’t gain and hang on to our progress, you’re doing something right and you should feel great about that. 

7.     There is No “Right” Time.

There is no “right” or “wrong” time to start your weight loss journey – there is only time. Don’t use the excuse of the holidays to do what you can do today – even if they are little changes. It will never be the “right” time because our brains will always find a way to talk us out of what we know we need to do. The holidays are a great time to start a new nutrition or fitness routine. If you can navigate your way around the hardest time of year foodwise, you can do anything.


weight loss advice

8.     Alcohol is An Empty Calorie.

Remember during holiday parties to not overdo it with alcohol, especially come New Years Eve. We tend to gravitate to sugary drinks this time of year – champagne and mixed or frozen drinks usually have a ton of added sugar. It’s best to stick to light beers and clear alcohols with soda. They’re going to have way fewer calories in them and remember alcohol does nothing for you during your weight loss journey.


9.     Do Your Best!

Let’s face it – shit is going to happen this time of year. But as long as you are doing your best and trying, that’s the most important part. The holidays are stressful and for some can be lonely and depressing. As long as you are putting forth the effort, you’re going to be ten steps ahead of everyone come New Years resolution time. Prepare meals ahead of time, schedule workouts in your calendar just like you would a business meeting and have someone on hand to celebrate your wins and be there for you for you when you’re down. Simply putting forth any bit of effort can go a very long way this time of year.

Cheers to a happy and healthy holiday season! For more tips and info, click on the contact page and schedule a free consultation today.



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