Fitness Coaching & Nutriton Tips, Info & Banter

Weight Loss, Dieting Tips Mark Rosenberg Weight Loss, Dieting Tips Mark Rosenberg

8 Weight Loss Myths - Busted!

Weight loss myths have been around for centuries and with the advent of social media, they are coming in hotter and heavier than ever before. A lot of these have some truth in them, but for the most part – they are complete bullshit and can oftentimes be a hinderance on your weight loss goals. Let’s break down some of those weight loss myths so you can get over the hump and truly succeed in your weight loss journey.

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Weight Loss, Dieting Tips Mark Rosenberg Weight Loss, Dieting Tips Mark Rosenberg

Weight Loss Tips and Tricks for the Holiday Season.

It’s the most wonderful time of year! It’s also the time of year a majority of Americans will gain weight—but it doesn’t have to be. Whether you’re just starting your weight loss journey (yes, you can lose weight during the holidays, don’t be fooled) or continuing on your plan, here are a few tips to help you navigate the busiest time of year.

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10 Weight Loss Tips That No Nutritionist Will Give Away For Free.

The internet can be a wonderful place. It was certainly a better place before your homebound grandfather started posting conspiracy theories on Facebook every day, but that’s really here nor there. However, the internet can be an absolutely terrible place for weight loss advice. We live in a world where every average Joe is not only an expert on Eastern European political policy, but voter fraud while also moonlighting as epidemiologist.

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Mark Rosenberg Mark Rosenberg

Do I Need A Coach to Lose Weight?

I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard the following:

“I have tried EVERYTHING and I just can’t seem to lose weight.”

It is incredibly frustrating to try eating healthy and working out only to find you are not getting the results you desire. Many people turn to fad diets such a keto, Whole 30 or Atkins and get results, only to find they gain whatever weight they’ve lost right back after completing

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Online Fitness Coach, Nutrition Coaches Mark Rosenberg Online Fitness Coach, Nutrition Coaches Mark Rosenberg

How to Choose An Online Fitness Coach?

Choosing an online fitness coach that checks all of your boxes can be a daunting task. Some people need a drill sergeant – someone who is going to take them to task for falling off their nutrition plan or skipping a workout. Others need someone with a little more compassion, who will gently guide them in the right direction with a kind and caring hand. There is no “one-size-fits-all” when it comes to choosing the right online fitness coach that meets your needs, so do some digging.

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