How To Lose Weight

Weight loss can be incredibly stressful especially around New Years. Here are a few dos and don'ts when it comes to losing weight.

1.  DO: Move for 3 Hours a Week

Keep it simple to get going. Try to move for at least three hours every week. Whether it’s a walk or jog, lifting weights or taking a spin class - three hours or movement a week will help propel your weight loss.

2.  DON’T: Drink Soda

Sodas are high in sugar and sodium and can be a hindrance to your weight loss journey. Soda adds to your caloric intake for the day but does not fill you up. Instead, be sure to drink eight glasses of water every day and substitute sodas for coffee, tea and unsweetened iced tea with lemon.

3.  DO: Aim to Lose 1-2 Pounds a Week

You didn’t put it all on in a week and you’re not going to take it all off in a week. Be realistic with your goals. Aim to lose one to two pounds a week, every week. Over time, that adds up and if you’re losing weight in a sustainable way - you’re more likely to keep it off.

4.  DON’T: Keep Junk Food in the House

Keep anything that may be tempting out of the house. If it’s near you, you’re most likely thinking about it. Instead, keep fresh, healthy and prepared food on hand for when you’re hungry and save the junk food for a treat night out.

5.  DO: Eat Your Veggies

Green vegetables are high in vitamins and minerals that can help accelerate weight loss. They’re also vital for brain function and heart health. Add these to any meal you can!

6.  DON’T: Think About What Everyone Else is Doing

Weight loss is personal and you should be doing it for YOU! Avoid social media posts that are guaranteeing you anything. They’re most likely a scam. You’re doing your thing and should not be made to feel bad because of it.

7.  DO: Walk the Perimeter of the Store

All grocery stores are designed similarly. On the perimeter, you’ll find, meats, dairy, fresh fruits and vegetables and frozen fruits and vegetables. Walk the perimeter of the store FIRST. You’ll find most of what you need for your weight loss journey there all while avoiding cereals, crackers and other packaged foods. Once you’ve gotten all of those things, then go to the center aisles for things like rice, beans, lentils and other essentials.


8.  DO: Check Labels (especially daily recommended values)

When reading nutrition labels, many of us overlook this daily recommended values. However, on every nutritional label, to the far right there is a daily recommended value per serving of what that product has for protein, fats, sodium, etc. This is the percentage of what is recommended someone should have throughout the day. So, if you are picking up a box of crackers and the DRV of sodium is 60% per serving, you may want to think twice before purchasing.

9.  DON’T: Skip Meals

You THINK you're saving on calories by skipping meals, when it fact you’re more likely to binge after skipping. Try to keep it to three healthy meals a day and a nutritious snack if needed. Skipping meals is always a slippery slope.

10. Do: Your Best!

Losing weight is hard and it’s never a steep slope down, it’s usually more of a bumpy one. Having a bad day doesn’t mean your journey is over forever - get back up and try again tomorrow. Be good to yourself because you deserve it and you can do this.




8 Weight Loss Myths - Busted!